Self Portrait with Text
Helpful tips from Kutova Kika's How to take photos of yourself- SELF PORTRAIT youtube tutorial:
Stabilize: Make sure whatever device is being used to take the photo is stable in order to nail just the right angle you want your photo to be in.
Frame it: Visualize where you are going to be in the frame to make sure that you are in the wanted position. Don't get frustrated with it, it sometimes takes time.
Shoot and get it sharp: Make sure the subject (you) are in focus in order to get the perfect shot. If the subject is blurry it ruins the photo.
Nail the pose: Make sure you have a pose that you want to stick with when shooting. Play around with it a bit. Shoot in intervals so it doesn't look awkward.
25 words or phrases to describe myself: confident, living happily, searching, content, comfy, sitting, empowering, cool toned, wondering, young, dreaming, unenthusiastic, motivational, thinking, inspiring, resting, not phased, relaxed, blue, warm toned, not worried, posed, detached, observant, and contemplating.